1. Know your budget! You need to know your financial limits before you make any appointments. Inflating your budget and putting everyone on the spot will just leave you empty handed and frustrated.
2. It’s okay to love the first dress you try on! Falling in love with the first dress is very common. Trust me; I see it all the time!
3. Know your silhouette! Trying on the wrong silhouette can discourage any bride. A dress in a magazine looks totally different on a model –find out what you like about your figure !
4. Be open to alterations! It’s important to remember that dresses CAN be altered. Try to envision your dress on your wedding day when it’s fitted to your body and your style.
5. Be Open to Different Styles! Sometimes a dress looks better on the hanger than it does on a bride. Keep your options and your mind open and you just may surprise yourself.
6. Keep Location in Mind. Your venue or tropical beach wedding will determine your dream gown, each element of your wedding has to look like they were all individually made for each other, just like you and your partner !
7. Say Yes And Stop Shopping! Some brides want to relive that moment where they find their dream dress – but if you continue to shop you may end up miserable! It’s important to be aware of the information you’re giving us – wanting what you already have just leads us to a dead-end when your constantly comparing everything else to your dream dress.
8. Trust your instincts! Some brides need to confirm they’ve made the right choice. But if that choice is second-guessed by our entourage, a bride’s confidence can be shaken. When a bride knows what she wants – she has to trust herself!
9. Leave Room in the Budget for Extras. Bling isn’t cheap so anytime you add accessories, customise your look or need alterations – the cost is going to increase. So leave room in your budget for those finishing touches.
10. Share Your Vision. Who you bring can make or break an appointment! It’s important to speak to your trusted guests before you come into the shop – if they’re not on the same page they can send you down the wrong path.

We look forward to meeting you and showing you our beautiful gowns !

Julia x